My Greater Good Blog

Miraculous Monarchs

Nature has many marvels.  One of the most miraculous is the Monarch butterfly. These creatures, fragile flying origami dipped in orange and black water colors, undertake a massive 2500 mile migration every year, often to the exact Oyamel fir tree... expat life

Being An Expat

You look back over time with something akin to nostalgia. Walking to the train station, hands plunged deep into pockets of a black winter coat, streetlights blinking through the damp mist. City lights reflected in dark canals. Noise spilling like...

inspiration life coaching

Embrace What Is : A Subtle Mindshift

    We are only in charge of our own lives, paths and journeys.  Sure shit happens.  Life is not always a walk in the park. Indeed it is only really in the struggle and clearing away obstacles that we truly find...

Teach Your Children Well

Tree frogs start their summer evening songs in the scented boxwoods and lilacs and assorted bee attracting foliage that shade our leisure evening view over the children running and playing on the green fields of their country club bubble.  We’re...

Just One Thing

I sat down at a table next to a woman in Starbucks, head buried in her computer, tapping away furiously. On a second glance I recognized her as an acquaintance. She looked up and we exchanged pleasantries. Not that she...