Monthly Archive: November 2015

Christmas Presents

What shall I buy for Christmas ? What I remember of Christmas mornings as a child is the tree, or more to the point, all the presents under the tree.  My family was not wealthy, but we had enough, and...

Africa Does Not Exist Anywhere Else

Africa does not exist anywhere else. You can look at pictures and hear stories but it’s not there. It’s not in the smell of rain on your dusty foothills, though that smell is as synonymous with Africa as any.  It’s...

Looking at History

The world’s stage beckons. Sometimes the odds are stacked in our favor, a glittering temple of ambition achieved, enemies vanquished and life preserved. Sometimes – stage right – sirens blare and neon warnings blink and airplanes hover, bomb, hurtle to...

Home Is Where the Hearth Is

Many, many years ago I attended a work function one winter evening at a destination I can’t remember in the northern suburbs of Johannesburg, South Africa.  We walked into this large, open room.  It was sparsely decorated, cold high ceilings...

The One Thing I Bake

I’m not a “foodie”.  I don’t spend hours slaving over a hot stove.  I don’t spend whole weekends compiling a month of different crock-pot meals in freezer bags, although I think it a wonderful idea and efficiency at its finest....

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His Stuff by Patti Chandler

Stuff. What is it about stuff? When we lose someone we love, we have to do something with their stuff. What if the stuff doesn’t have any monetary value? What if it just has meaning, a memory? How much of...