Jodi Carlton

12391776_10207285002816897_7940076945934214339_nAlthough Jodi has over 15 years experience as a counselor and professional educator, first and foremost, she is a mom to two children, one with Asperger’s and one with epilepsy. She received her bachelor science (B.S.) in psychology at University of West Georgia in 1997 and her master of education (M.Ed.) in guidance and counseling in 2000 at the University of Georgia. Professionally, she has expertise in traumatic and acquired brain injury, and cognitive rehabilitation, as well as Asperger’s Disorder. She has taught undergraduate and graduate psychology as well as professional continuing education courses on the topic of autism spectrum disorders. Because she has a daughter with Asperger’s (High Functioning Autism – HFA), she is in a unique position to teach and provide counseling to families who are struggling with Asperger’s. In 2015, she and her daughter, a middle schooler, founded Aspie Spot, an online Asperger’s education website where they both share personal blogs and provide educational articles as well. In 2016, Jodi plans to launch the Aspie Academy, a series of animated online educational courses. Jodi is also returning to private practice in 2016 and looks forward to serving clients again both face-to-face and via webinars and video consultations. To find out more, visit