Author: Irene Macmillan, blessing bags

A Big, Bold Blessing Bag Plan

Synchronicity (what a beautiful word) is the extraordinary concept of the coming together of inner and outer events in a way that can’t be explained by cause and effect and that is meaningful to the observer.  CNN recently covered it...

El Niño Simplified

We have heard much about El Niño recently – the much maligned phenomenon responsible for some record warm Christmases from New York to Atlanta on the US East coast. “El Niño is wreaking havoc with our weather” is an ice-breaker...

Family Movie Night Reviews: Rudy

Rudy ‘Rudy’ is incredibly inspirational.  In fact it should be required watching for everyone over 10 years old. It is based on a true story from the early 1970s about a boy who dreamed, since he was 7 years old,...

Christmas Presents

What shall I buy for Christmas ? What I remember of Christmas mornings as a child is the tree, or more to the point, all the presents under the tree.  My family was not wealthy, but we had enough, and...