Category: Food

salad recipe

The One Thing I Take – Salad Recipe

I am not a “foodie” as I said in the article The One Thing I Bake – but this salad recipe is definitely the one thing I take whenever I need to take anything to a party, fiesta, bbq or book...

Africa Does Not Exist Anywhere Else

Africa does not exist anywhere else. You can look at pictures and hear stories but it’s not there. It’s not in the smell of rain on your dusty foothills, though that smell is as synonymous with Africa as any.  It’s...

The One Thing I Bake

I’m not a “foodie”.  I don’t spend hours slaving over a hot stove.  I don’t spend whole weekends compiling a month of different crock-pot meals in freezer bags, although I think it a wonderful idea and efficiency at its finest....

What is Biltong ?

What is biltong and where does it come from ?  I’m glad you asked !  South Africans have been making it since the 17th century and you will learn everything you need to know about it right here !